concept design for a small quaker chapel in the dandenong ranges
softloud architects are deeply committed to environmental sustainability, and have operated as a third-party-certified carbon neutral business since 2008. This means that we actively measure and minimise our own carbon intensive practices, materials and suppliers.
We audit our energy, wastes, travel from home to work and travel within work annually, and purchase carbon offsets in proportion to the small amount of carbon dioxide created each year. Using rooftop solar panels, we generate more power on-site than we use each year, and in 2022 have our first EV, “Buzzy” charged with on-site solar power.
More information about the Carbon Reduction Institute and our certification process can be found at
In relation to our projects, we research and encourage longevity, durability, low embodied energy (energy used in the manufacture and installation of building materials), low energy consumption and use carbon reduction / sequestering strategies throughout the design process.